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Align to the Flow of Abundance!

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Get 2 for the price of 1!




*Offer Available for a Limited Period of Time  & Limited Number of Orders

Order Today your Personalised
Ze Ri Xuan Date Selection Calendar

DON'T MISS THIS ONE TIME OFFER of 50% discount to




We all have experienced bad days where not one single thing falls right, in spite of our utmost care. You can't believe that all you have carefully planned were for nothing.


The reason behind these misfortunes is that on such days  your electromagnetic field wasn't aligned with the Cosmic and Earth's Qi. Because of this disalignment there was resistance, creating obstacles, delays and opposition to your experience and actions.


Ze Ri Xuan Date Selection Calendar helps you avoid and chose only the best days for you to take action based on your individual electromagnetic field! 


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By planning your days, weeks and upcoming months, based on your best energetical days, you can only have success while avoiding delays, loss of money and bad deals! 

It can help you achieve your goals and live your life to the fullest by taking advantage of the universe's energy when is the most supportive to you!


When you start using your Ze Ri Xuan Calendar to do your payments, closing deals, signing contracts, etc, your connection becomes stronger with the universe, rewarding you faster and faster, returning your energy back in the form of money, good relationships, and gifts. If you are an entrepreneur or freelancer, you can expect increase in sales, new clients, strong relationships, issues revealed to you early on saving you from commiting into bad deals! If you are an employee you can see your energy reciprocated in the form of unexpected gifts, discounts, salary increase, new job offers, harmonic relationships and many more ways!


If you are an entrepreneur or freelancer working on your own terms, having a Ze Ri Xuan date selection calendar will help you to choose your best days and times to send your project proposals and price quotations to your clients, or launch your marketing campaigns and new products in the market. Make payments, sign contracts or hire personnel. Schedule important meetings with the bank, lawyers and new clients.
Avoiding your bad days, and taking action on important matters on your auspicious days, you will experience an increase in your income and opportunities. Launched campaigns will be more successful, and any money spent on your auspicious days will be returned through different channels, such as your business or unexpected gifts.

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Young Woman Making Notes

Date selection equates to choosing the most ‘fertile’ time

for planting the seeds of action for a promising harvest.




The Ze Ri Xuan Calendar is prepared based on your birthday details using the same calculating techniques the Chinese Feng Shui masters used to advise the great Chinese emperors to take action on important matters while ruling their empires.


The science behind this has to do with your electromagnetic field, and how it interacts with the electromagnetic energies of Earth and the Cosmic energy (Qi). When your electromagnetic field is in alignment with that of Earth's and the Cosmic Qi then everything goes smoothly for you. When the opposite happens you are in disalignment with the Earth's and Cosmic Qi, and however hard you try you cannot succeed easily.


Don't leave things to chance!

Take control and make it your best year ever!


Here is what you'll get

When you place your order, you will receive an email to send us your birthday details. Your birthday details will be used to calculate the best energetical days for you for the next four (4) months, as well which days are energetically void or clashing with you. 


All calculations are accurately done by FSRC certified Ze Ri Xuan and Feng Shui consultant, Natalia Markou, prepared in an easy to read and use pdf calendar. In the file you can see your personal day clashes, harmonic days, and best hours in each day to know when to act.

In addition, as a bonus six (6) different Stars (energies) will be calculated based on your birthday, for you to use  during these months with detailed descriptions for each one and the activity they support. 


The six Stars are the

  1. Prosperity Star

  2. Heavenly Nobleman Star

  3. Resolving Problems Star

  4. Heavenly Doctor Star

  5. Happy Spirit Star and

  6. Decision Star

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Also when you place your order during this offer you receive a 15% discount code for your next order!


As soon as you receive your personal Ze Ri Xuan Calendar, start using it so for you to enhance the connection between you and the universe and start receiving the benefits. By knowing in advance which days and times are draining your energetical field and blocking your way to achieve your goals, you will be one step ahead, by avoiding them.

 Make your personal Ze Ri Xuan Calendar part of your everyday life

and see it shift to the positive! 

50% OFF

Start living in alignment with your energy!



How to use ze ri XUAN calendar?


It is said “all that starts well ends well”.

So if you use an auspicious date and time to start a new venture such as buying a new house, having a wedding, or an important meeting, then it is bound to give you an energetical support, while removing any obstacles or delays.


Order Today Your Personal Ze Ri Xuan Date Selection Calendar and use it to:


✅ Plan your payments only on your auspicious days and see how the universe returns it back to you through monetary sources, gifts, discounts or positive relationships.


✅ Sell your property, and items faster by posting your ads on good days and time.


✅ Schedule your move to your new home or office.


✅ Hire personnel.


✅ Sign contracts.


✅ Start a partnership.


✅ Deal with legal matters.


✅ Settling a pending matter.


✅ Make investments or deal with the stock market.


✅ Engagement dates.


✅ Start a Renovation.


✅ Schedule important meetings with your clients, lawyers or family.


✅ Choose a good day for you to have a celebration or a family gathering.


✅ Schedule a surgery, a doctor's appointment, or start a therapy.


✅ Launch a marketing campaign or new service.


✅ Launch a new business or product.


✅ Conducting events.


✅ Long-distance traveling.


✅ Romantic dates.


✅ Spending big amounts of money.


✅ Buy electronics or machinery on a good day to you to avoid buying problematic products. 


✅ Best days to view, make an offer and buy land, flat, house or a commercial space.


✅ Sending job applications and having job interviews.


✅ To apply Feng Shui remedies in your space.



Know what each day has in store for you!


Get your MONTHLY personal 

Ze Ri calendar for HALF the price!



Using the Ze Ri Xuan calendar to navigate your every day life acts as a support system to your decisions and goals. Ze Ri Xuan calendar helps you take decisions with confidence without a second thought if that will be a good day and time to do that.

You know the result will be positive without any surprises. You know that the money you are paying for your bills and purchases are not lost and will come back to you in many different ways.


Taking the decision to order your own personalized date selection calendar, is a precious gift to yourself, and it means you are committed to your journey's success. You understand that we are more than our physical bodies, and that greater powers are in constant interaction with us.


Don't miss this rare opportunity to try it yourself and see the benefits of using a personalized Ze Ri Xuan date selection calendar.




There is no catch in this offer and no hidden costs.

Only our excitment to share with other people the ability to navigate their everyday life with certainty.

The offer is to introduce to people the use and benefits of Ze Ri Xuan date selection system and see in first hand the amazing results someone receives by using it!


The offer is run under a tight time frame for the reason that as soon as the offer ends, we'll be busy preparing the calendars for all the people who have claimed their discount and placed an order.  So don't miss this rare opportunity to experience the power of ancient Chinese metaphysics in your everyday life for half the price!

50% OFF

Align Yourself to the Universe's Flow!
& Enjoy its Abundance!



Ze Ri Xuan is an ancient Chinese date selection method used by the Chinese emperors to guide them in choosing auspicious days to govern their empires. From selecting the best days for their war expedition to conception days of their heirs.


Chinese people always engage a master to choose an auspicious time and day for holding major events that affect their life, fortunes and success, such as marriage, business opening, building, etc.


In recent years, more and more property developers invite a well versed Ze Ri and Feng Shui master to select and advise them for the best timing to start a construction, launch sales and sign contracts. 


In Chinese tradition, date selection is a matter of great importance that cannot be neglected. The geomancy master shall select an auspicious day and timing to hold the event according to the birthday of the concerned party.


By avoiding bad timing, it is much anticipated that the activity carried out will be smooth going, the married will find love in each other and grow old gracefully together, business will be profitable with abundant inflow of wealth and construction project will progress smoothly.





The Ze Ri Xuan Date Selection Calendar is the perfect gift to you and your loved ones to bring wealth and harmonic relationships.


I could not believe how easy it is to use the calendar, and how fast the results came back to me after using it only for a few weeks! I started receiving free products and discounts from shops, and even got a gift from my mother in law which surprised me as she never used to give me any in the past!

Mary Heath

Don't leave things to chance!


Take back control of your life and navigate your every day with confidence




​Can I use my auspicious days to go to the casino or play lottery?


The Ze Ri Xuan date selection works best if used wisely. Not to be used for speculative or gambling purposes, or at least rarely.


​When will I receive my Ze Ri Xuan calendar after I place my order?


When you place your order for your personal Ze Ri Xuan calendar, allow at least 2 weeks time to receive it. The calculation is not auto-generated by any software or application. All calculations are prepared manually with the most accurate care.


In which format does my calendar comes in?


Your personalized Ze Ri Xuan calendar is emailed to you in a pdf format, which is easy to print, keep it on your mobile phone or computer.


What I do if I have any queries after I receive my Ze Ri Xuan calendar?


After you receive your Ze Ri Xuan calendar you can contact NM Feng Shui Consulntancy with any queries you may have through email, and we'll do our best to help you get the most out of your Ze Ri Xuan calendar. 


Why the asking price is so high?


Ze Ri Xuan date selection calendar is not as simple to produce and it requires several days and hours to manually apply the formulas and calculations to prepare it. There is no usage of a software or application that automatically creates this calendar. The original price for one month personalized Ze Ri Xuan calendar is $50 and now for a limited period of time its offered for $25 to give the opportunity to everyone to try it and see the results after using the calendar.


Can I have a refund?


If you changed your mind within 5 days after you placed your order and you did not receive the calendar you can send us an email to get a full refund.


How long whould I use the calendar until I see any results?


When you start using your Ze Ri Xuan calendar and acting only on your auspicious times and days the connection wil become stronger and stronger. Allow at least 3 months until you see the results of this conection established with the universe and you, and returning you abundance and harmony in your everyday live. Many times the results come even earlier. 

Avoid the disaster days and all the days out of alignment with your QI

Stay one step ahead and plan all your important purchases
and activities only on your most favourable days.

Stay in alignment with your personal CHi flow
and watch universe returning back to you all your efforts and energy,
in the form of gifts, discounts, money and improved relatioships.



Your Personal Ze Ri Xuan Calendar




See Your Efforts Come Back in Multiples!


Get 2 for the price of 1!


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One Time Offer!

SAVE 50%


*Offer Available for a Limited Period of Time  or
Until Maximum Number of Orders Reached

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By applying the ancient wisdom of Classical Feng Shui, we help you balance and utilize to the maximum the energies in your space, supporting your health, wealth and relationships for better quality of living and success.

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